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  • The minimum resolution of photo should be 800 (width) x 533 (height).
  • The image format should be either .jpg, .png or .jpeg only.
  • The maximum file size should not exceed 2 MB.
  • It is not necessary to upload a professional picture, but the photo should not be a straight out selfie either.
  1. You are about to pay ₹ 1,499/- for registration (including taxes). Kindly keep your credit/debit card handy.
  2. Once you click on Submit Details button, you will be redirected to a secured Payment Gateway Page.
  3. The registration would not be successful unless you complete the payment.
  4. All your transactions are secured with 256-bit SSL encryption.
  5. Refunds: Under no circumstances and not for any reason shall be entitled to a refund in whole or in part of any fees paid. All fees paid to the Mrs. Chandigarh- A woman of substance, 2019 are not refundable and not transferable in full or in part under any circumstances. This includes, but not limited to entry fees, advertising fees, application fees, program book ads, pageant admission tickets sales fees, guest meal fees, extra event fees, crown and sash fees, special award fees, and any other fees paid to Mrs. Chandigarh- A woman of substance, 2019 by anyone including, but not limited to Contestants, Sponsors, Family Members and Advertisers. All fees paid to the pageant are not refundable and not transferable in full or in part under any circumstance.